Cookie 通知

本 Cookie 通知(简称“通知”)说明了 Waukesha Bearings Corporation(简称“Waukesha”)如何在我们网站 上以及通过我们网站使用 cookie 和其他跟踪技术。

应将本通知与 Waukesha 隐私政策一起阅读,该政策说明了 Waukesha 如何使用个人信息。如果您不接受我们使用 cookie,请按照我们的以下指导禁用它们。

1. 什么是 Web cookie?

Web cookie 是在您访问网站时由该网站放在您计算机或移动设备上的小文件。它们包含有关您在该网站上的浏览历史记录的详细信息,并可将您与其他用户区分开。在随后每次访问时 cookie 都会将数据发送回原始网站,或者允许其他网站识别此 cookie。cookie 非常有用,因为它们可使网站识别用户的设备,以及例如记住您的偏好,并且一般会改善您的在线用户体验。与大多数网站一样,沃科夏的网站也使用 cookie。

尽管本通知使用一般术语“cookie”,这是我们网站存储信息的主要方法,但浏览器的本地存储空间也用于相同目的,我们可能通过本网站使用其他跟踪技术,例如网络信标、清晰的 GIF 或像素标签。我们通常使用此类跟踪技术来计数访问我们网站某些页面的用户,提供品牌服务,以及帮助确定促销活动的有效性。


如欲了解有关 cookie 的更多信息,请访问

2. 我们为什么使用 cookie?

  1. 让您在我们的网站上执行操作,例如,cookie 可使您填写申请表格或查看内容。
  2. 收集匿名统计信息 – cookie 收集的信息可使我们通过使用数字和图案来改善网站。例如,了解网站上的哪些页面(因此了解我们的哪些服务)最受欢迎,以及用户如何与它们交互真的非常有用。
  3. 改善您使用我们网站的体验,例如,在您已经输入了详细信息时防止您再次输入这些信息,或者确保用户能够轻松找到他们正在寻找的内容。
  4. 确保我们网站的安全。

3. 网站 cookie 接受

当您访问网站时,通过接受我们的 cookie 通知即表示您同意我们使用不时更新的 cookie。尤其是,您同意将 cookie 存储在您的计算机和/或移动设备上(除非被您的浏览器拒绝或禁用)。

单击以下链接可了解如何在以下浏览器中更改 cookie 设置:

Internet Explorer





iPhone 和 iPad


4. 更新本通知

我们可能会不时更新我们对 cookie 的使用,因而我们可能更新本通知。因此,我们建议您定期查看本通知。如果有任何重大变更,我们将通过我们网站上的通知方式或在合理可能的情况下直接与您联系来通知您。

Strictly Necessary Cookies


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
waukbearing.comTEST_AMCV_COOKIE_WRITEDetermines whether the user has accepted the cookie consent box.SESSION
waukbearing.comOptanonAlertBoxClosedThis cookie is set by websites using certain versions of the cookie law compliance solution from OneTrust.  It is set after visitors have seen a cookie information notice and in some cases only when they actively close the notice down.  It enables the website not to show the message more than once to a user.  The cookie has a one year lifespan and contains no personal information.PERSISTENT
waukbearing.comOptanonConsentThis cookie is set by the cookie compliance solution from OneTrust. It stores information about the categories of cookies the site uses and whether visitors have given or withdrawn consent for the use of each category. This enables site owners to prevent cookies in each category from being set in the users browser, when consent is not given. The cookie has a normal lifespan of one year, so that returning visitors to the site will have their preferences remembered. It contains no information that can identify the site visitor.PERSISTENT
www.waukbearing.comaffinity SESSION

Performance Cookies


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
waukbearing.coms_sqAdobe Site Catalyst cookie, stores information about the previous link clicked within the siteSESSION
waukbearing.coms_tpThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. The cookie is used for measuring a visitor’s scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving on to another page.SESSION
waukbearing.coms_tslvThis cookie holds a Unix timestamp of the current time. It is used for time tracking related metrics within Adobe Analytics.PERSISTENT
waukbearing.coms_ccThis cookie is associated with the Adobe Site Catalyst. It determines whether cookies are enabled in the web browser.SESSION
waukbearing.coms_ppvThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics site tracking and is used to measure a user's scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving to another page.SESSION
waukbearing.coms_ipsThis cookie is associated with Adobe Analytics. The cookie is used for measuring a visitor’s scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving on to another page.SESSION
waukbearing.coms_nr30Adobe Analytics site tracking.PERSISTENT
waukbearing.com_gidThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google.  It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited.PERSISTENT
waukbearing.com_gclxxxxGoogle conversion tracking cookiePERSISTENT
waukbearing.com_gaThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports.  By default it is set to expire after 2 years, although this is customisable by website owners.PERSISTENT


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
assets.adobedtm.comat_checkIf you know anything about this host and its uses please add your contributions here. PERSISTENT
info.dovercorp.comBIGipServerab42web-nginx-app_httpsThis cookie name is associated with the BIG-IP product suite from company F5. Usually associated with managing sessions on load balanced servers, to ensure user requests are routed consistently to the correct server. The common root is BIGipServer most commonly followed by a domain name, usually the one that it is hosted on, but not always.SESSION

性能 Cookie


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
waukbearing.com_gid此 Cookie 名称与 Google Universal Analytics 相关联。这似乎是一个新 Cookie,截至 2017 年春季,Google 未提供任何相关信息。此 Cookie 似乎可存储和更新每个访问页面的唯一值。PERSISTENT
waukbearing.com_gclxxxxGoogle 转化跟踪 CookiePERSISTENT
waukbearing.com_ga此 Cookie 名称与 Google Universal Analytics 相关联,这是更常用的 Google 分析服务的重大更新。此 Cookie 通过分配随机生成的数字作为客户标识符来区分用户,包含在网站的每个页面请求中,用于计算网站分析报告所需的访客、会话和活动数据。尽管网站所有者可以自定义,但其有效期默认设置为 2 年。PERSISTENT


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
assets.adobedtm.comat_check由 Adobe Target 用来检查浏览器上是否启用/支持 CookiePERSISTENT

功能 Cookie


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
waukbearing.commbox由 Adobe Target 用来生成页面营销对话框中的动态内容。包含以下值:
PC ID - 访客的浏览器 ID。删除 Cookie 时移除。
会话 ID - 用户会话的唯一 ID。
检查 - 检查是否支持 Cookie。在每次加载页面时设置。
waukbearing.comat_check由 Adobe Target 用来检查浏览器上是否启用/支持 CookieSESSION


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
info.dovercorp.com__cf_bm__cf_bm 是支持 Cloudflare 机器人 Management 的必要 Cookie,目前处于内测阶段。此 Cookie 是我们机器人管理服务的一部分,可帮助管理符合机器人相关标准的传入流量。
app-ab42.marketo.com__cf_bm__cf_bm 是支持 Cloudflare 机器人 Management 的必要 Cookie,目前处于内测阶段。此 Cookie 是我们机器人管理服务的一部分,可帮助管理符合机器人相关标准的传入流量。

定向 Cookie


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
waukbearing.com_gat_gtag_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGoogle AnalyticsPERSISTENT
waukbearing.com_mkto_trk此 Cookie 与 Marketo 提供的电子邮件营销服务相关联。网站可通过这种跟踪 Cookie 将访客行为与电子邮件营销活动的收件人关联起来,以衡量活动的有效性。PERSISTENT
waukbearing.comAMCVS_这是与 Adobe Marketing Cloud 相关联的模式类型 Cookie 名称,可存储唯一访客标识符,并使用企业标识符。SESSION
waukbearing.comAMCV_这是与 Adobe Marketing Cloud 相关联的模式类型 Cookie 名称,可存储唯一访客标识符,并使用企业标识符,使公司能够对各个域名和服务的用户进行跟踪。PERSISTENT


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
youtube.comYSCYouTube 是 Google 旗下的视频托管和分享平台。YouTube 通过嵌入网站的视频收集用户数据,将用户数据与其他 Google 服务的个人资料数据进行汇总,以便向平台自己的众多网站及其他网站的访客显示定向广告。SESSION
doubleclick.nettest_cookie此域名归 Doubleclick(Google)所有。主要经营活动为:Doubleclick 是 Google 旗下的实时竞价广告交易平台PERSISTENT
youtube.comCONSENT此 Cookie 记录有关最终用户如何使用该网站的信息,以及最终用户在访问该网站前可能看到的任何广告。PERSISTENT
youtube.comVISITOR_INFO1_LIVE此 Cookie 作为唯一标识符,用来跟踪视频的观看情况PERSISTENT
youtube-nocookie.comCONSENT此 Cookie 记录有关最终用户如何使用该网站的信息,以及最终用户在访问该网站前可能看到的任何广告。PERSISTENT
doubleclick.netIDE此域名归 Doubleclick(Google)所有。主要经营活动为:Doubleclick 是 Google 旗下的实时竞价广告交易平台PERSISTENT

Functional Cookies


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
waukbearing.commboxUsed by Adobe Target to generate dynamic content in a marketing box on the page. Contains the following values:
PC ID - ID for visitor's browser. Removed when cookie deleted.
Session ID - A unique ID for a user session.
Check  - checks if cookies are supported. Set on each page load.
waukbearing.comat_checkUsed by Adobe Target to check if cookies are enabled/supported on the browserSESSION


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
info.dovercorp.com__cf_bmThis is a CloudFoundry cookiePERSISTENT
app-ab42.marketo.com__cf_bmThis is a CloudFoundry cookiePERSISTENT

Targeting Cookies


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
waukbearing.com_gat_gtag_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGoogle AnalyticsPERSISTENT
waukbearing.com_mkto_trkThis cookie is associated with an email marketing service provided by Marketo. This tracking cookie allows a website to link visitor behaviour to the recipient of an email marketing campaign, to measure campaign effectiveness.PERSISTENT
waukbearing.comAMCVS_This is a pattern type cookie name associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier.SESSION
waukbearing.comAMCV_This is a pattern type cookie name associated with Adobe Marketing Cloud. It stores a unique visitor identifier, and uses an organisation identifier to allow a company to track users across their domains and services.PERSISTENT


HostCookie NameDescriptionSession
youtube.comYSCYouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites.SESSION
doubleclick.nettest_cookieThis domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchangePERSISTENT
youtube.comCONSENTYouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites.PERSISTENT
youtube.comVISITOR_INFO1_LIVEThis cookie is used as a unique identifier to track viewing of videosPERSISTENT
youtube-nocookie.comCONSENT PERSISTENT
doubleclick.netIDEThis domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main business activity is: Doubleclick is Googles real time bidding advertising exchangePERSISTENT